Licence transfers

If you are planning to take over a current licence to operate a dairy business held by another person or company, you may be eligible to apply for a licence transfer.

If you are planning to take over a current licence to operate a dairy business held by another person or company, you may be eligible to apply for a licence transfer.Licence transfers are available for dairy farmer (bovine) and dairy farmer (non-bovine) via the transfer application forms linked below.

The form includes a section to be completed by the current licence holder to provide their agreement to the transfer. If this section cannot be completed, you must attach a certified statutory declaration advising Dairy Food Safety Victoria (DFSV) why this is the case and stating the reason the licence should be transferred.

Once the transfer form is submitted, DFSV will contact you to discuss the next steps in this process. For farm licence transfers, currently there is no transfer fee.

Transfers of licences for dairy manufacturers, dairy carriers and dairy distributors are undertaken on a case-by-case basis. For new licensees in these categories, it is preferable that the current licence holder cancels any existing licence prior to the new licensee taking possession of the premises. Please contact DFSV directly for further information and to discuss your individual circumstances.


 Dairy farmer bovine Dairy farmer non-bovine 




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