Dairy distributors

Each of the sections below provide the information you'll need to ensure your business complies with regulatory and food safety requirements.


Pursuant to Section 26(3) of the Dairy Act 2000 (Vic), dairy distributor licences are issued with the following conditions.

The licence holder must:

a. comply with all relevant provisions of the Food Act 1984 (Vic) and the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code in the conduct of the dairy business and the processing, handling, packaging storage or transportation of dairy food

b. immediately notify Dairy Food Safety Victoria in writing of any changes pertaining to the ownership of the business

c. ensure that milk or any milk product which is sold, delivered or supplied by the licence holder other than:

i. for human consumption; or
ii. to another holder of a licence under the Dairy Act,

is treated in a manner approved by Dairy Food Safety Victoria so as to deter human consumption and such that the milk or milk product could not reasonably be mistaken as for human consumption.

Or any other conditions imposed specific to your licence.

The Dairy distributor guideline provides further information on what is required to comply with regulatory requirements.

DFSV enforces the licensing and food safety requirements of the Dairy Act 2000.

Non-compliance may be identified through inspections, audits, test result notifications, complaint investigations or incidents of foodborne illness.

Your DFSV food safety manager should be your first point of contact for queries, incident notifications or to alert DFSV to changes in your business.

DFSV will take action proportionate to the seriousness of a legislative non-compliance identified and the food safety risk. The  DFSV enforcement model guidelines outline the actions that may be taken by DFSV in response to serious, severe or severe/sustained non-compliance.

DFSV has developed a range of technical information notes that provide practical information on various food safety topics relevant to operating a dairy business.

A range of regulatory and technical resources are also available on this site.

Technical advice

DFSV provides specialist support services to licensees, including regulations and standards interpretation and guidance, risk analysis, and technical and scientific advice.

If you need information or advice on any issue related to dairy food safety, please contact us by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on (03) 9810 5900 

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