Corporate plan

DFSV’s Corporate Plan 2020-2025 outlines who we are, what we are here to do and the strategic direction for all our activities over the next five years. It provides a revised mission and vision statement, refreshed organisational values; the strategies and actions for achieving the objectives; and the performance indicators for measurement. We will continue our core business as the Victorian dairy regulator while shaping our future as a leader in dairy regulation, including the introduction and integration of Dairy RegTech into the Victorian dairy industry.

DFSV consulted with the Victorian dairy industry and various government stakeholders, and took into account their feedback, throughout the development of the Plan. The full DFSV Board, executive and staff were all actively engaged throughout the development of the Corporate Plan. 

Our Plan is the blueprint for development of DFSV's annual operating plans and budgets and will be reported against each year in DFSV's annual report.


The Plan is supported by five enabling strategies as illustrated below.




• The DFSV People Strategy 2020–2025 seeks to attract, retain and develop employees aligned to this vision.

DFSV’s Stakeholder Engagement Strategy 2020-2025 is designed to ensure we have constructive relationships with our stakeholders and have a clear process in place to manage any stakeholder concerns.

• The objective of the Regulatory Operations Strategy 2020-2025 is to continually improve how we deliver our licensing compliance, monitoring and enforcement activities to deliver better against our vision.

DFSV’s Science Strategy 2020-2025 describes how we provides high quality, evidence-based advice and information to support delivery of the organisational objectives.

DFSV’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Strategy 2020-2025 focuses on technology as a key enabler in supporting DFSV’s evolving role as a leader in dairy regulation.

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